....and catching up on lost time. The last month has flown by and a lot has happened in the last four weeks. I finished my radiotherapy treatment, which went really well and thankfully did not leave me red or sore. I was very lucky to not react as bad as some people do. Most people can be left scabby and too sore to wear a bra. I was glad to see the back of the hospital. I just have my surgery now which I am hoping will get a lot sooner because of the little reaction to my skin. I have had a lot of fun (probably a bit too much) and made the most of the weekends by going to Brighton to look for work (not much luck) and Hastings, where I went for the Pagan spring equinox celebrations, Jack in the Green. Its been great to be able to relax, drink and enjoy being with friends again. I have certainly missed it to say the least. In between the partying I have been applying for courses. I applied for the BTEC in fashion design at Leicester and Worthing and then came across a foundation degree ...
I was diagnosed with breast cancer just after my 29th birthday last year. I found the lump by accident as I never examined myself. I like many people thought I was invincible. I have had a mastectomy and have undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy and am taking hormone treatment for the next 5 years. The worst is now over and I am waiting for my reconstruction.