I forgot to put this in my last blog. I have heard so many friends tell me about other people losing there hair. Their hair has grown back thicker, stronger, a different colour and in a lot of cases even curly! I hear this is called the 'chemo curl'. Well I can tell you now that it is SO worth losing my hair if it grows back wavy. I have always wanted wavy hair. A different colour would be good too! I have dyed my hair since I was 15. It started off with the dreaded Sun In spray which turned my hair orange. I have natural brown hair but a rubbish in between shade of brown. I like dramatic colours, so red, dark brown or blonde would do me just fine! I heard this lovely story from a girl who has been ringing me through the breast care website. She had heard that this old man in his 70's or 80's lost his hair from chemo. When it grew back it was his original colour before he went grey which was ginger. How lovely is that!! I have always loved and been jealous of my partner...
I was diagnosed with breast cancer just after my 29th birthday last year. I found the lump by accident as I never examined myself. I like many people thought I was invincible. I have had a mastectomy and have undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy and am taking hormone treatment for the next 5 years. The worst is now over and I am waiting for my reconstruction.