I forgot how long and lushes my hair used to be... I miss it.
I love my short hair but I do really miss having long hair too. I had short hair for so many years and had only just grown it so it was a kick in the teeth having to cut it all off just in case it was going to fall out. I can not believe how much hair I have left though and am very lucky to still have it so should not really moan, but when I see photos of me with long thick beautiful hair, full eyebrows and lashes It does get me a little down.
I did not wear make up for a few weeks when I was ill and when I put make up on for the first time I was surprised to see I did not really have any eyelashes left. I now wear fake eyelashes if I am going out anywhere special. I also have not realised how thin my eyebrows have got until I looked at some old photos. My hair has thinned a lot but still have plenty left. Its been growing, but very finely. So I am going to have it cut very short at some point.
I can not wait to see how my hair grows back. It should be thick and shiny as ever! My eyelashes might even grow back thicker and longer too... I am hoping anyway. I just hope I do not get too hairy everywhere else!!
You look stunning with long and short hair but it depends on what makes you happier when your gets to that length.
Lucky girl!
Mum xxxxx
xx wendy