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Cancer treatment free

Its been a year and a half since I last wrote a blog post. A lot has happened in the last 18 months. I still model for Marks and Spencers which I enjoy very much. The money I earned last year paid for my two and a half month trip to Asia. At the beginning of the year my relationship with Joe came to an end after seven years. It was a stormy start to 2014 in more ways then one. I was living in Hastings when the UK was hit with the heavy rain and winds. Being by the sea is a great place to live to experience storms but it can also be a tough place to live especially a small seaside town like Hastings.

I was with my best friend Vanessa when she said she had 3 weeks holiday left to take off. I had been wanting to go to Asia for quite some time. Especially after my asia trip was cancelled from being ill when I was travelling round New Zealand just before I was diagnosed with cancer. Vanessa and I decided on Kerala in India. We were both very excited to go on a mini spiritual trip that we both needed. Yoga, meditation, sunshine and curry!!

I'd moved into my friend Ceilidhs flat while she had gone to Thailand. It was tough to begin with. I felt so lonely on my own and with it being the beginning of the year and weather being so bad there was not an awful lot going on. I felt like I was going crazy at times. Work was quiet and I had money from M&S so decided to go on my trip early and visit Ceilidh in Thailand for two weeks before going to India.

The trip was amazing, so amazing that I didn't want to go home and extended my trip by another month. After I had been to India I went to North Thailand and Cambodia. I wont bore you with all the details so here are some photos. I will however list my favourite things..... Thai cats, temples, islands, beaches and sonkran. Indian puppies, yoga, meditation, morning raga and Thalis. Cambodian children, temples and bats.

Unfortunately towards the end of my trip in Cambodia I was really ill with a water infection while on a very remote island hours away from any city. I got an early flight back home and fortunately got better after six days. I moved into the pub I was working at for the summer and decided I wanted to move to London. I loved living in Hastings but I needed a change. I loved going to London when I was modelling and wanted to give it a go, see what all the hype was about. After doing some work for a friend at the Saatchi gallery I was offered a job in Primrose Hill.

I had what I thought was my last oncologist appointment in July. I had finally finished my 5 year Tamoxifen treatment which I hated being on. I felt better for coming off it. My bones no longer ached!

In September I moved to London. I moved in with my new boyfriend from Leicester. New Job, new location, new boyfriend! It was very exciting but also very daunting. It took a while to settle. Unfortunately I started getting ill again and this put a real dampener on living in a new city. I was looking forward to lots of gigs and a busy fast paced life but my body obviously didn't want the same.

I was suffering with the same urine infections I had while I was travelling just before I found out I had cancer. This started to worry me. I had some blood tests and a kidney scan and it was all clear. There was no reason for my infections other then candida. Candida is something that lot of doctors won't recognise or treat unless its the obvious kind which is thrush.

I knew I had to tackle this on my own again by going on an extremely strict diet and lots of anti candida treatments all of which are natural. I had finished my Tamoxifen at the beginning of the year and was so happy to be drug free. I had what I thought was my last oncologist appointment in July and was asked if I wanted to carry on with tamoxifen for another five years as they had proven research that taking it for longer would prevent breast cancer coming back. Id had enough of drugs and all drugs have side effects, one of tamoxifen being ovarian cancer. This never made any sense to me. I was taking a drug to prevent one cancer but could get a different one from the drug.

My immune system was battered from the chemotherapy and I dont think it will ever be the same again and I will have to be careful for the rest of my life. A summer of drinking and working in a pub took its toll. I stupidly neglected my health and this is why I believe I am ill again.

I had already done a lot of research on candida but after a few years of feeling OK I hadn't done any for a while so again I started to research it again in hope of finding something new to possibly cure candida. I am a fairly healthy person but the thought of going on this extremely strict diet again was making me feel down. No alcohol, sugar, yeast, wheat, dairy, even fruit just seemed too much.

It feels unfair to be so restricted and its not a cheap diet to be on. Everything also has to be organic which is also more expensive. Being in a new relationship in a new exciting city and not being to eat all those things and our shopping bill increasing was just not realistic in London. Its expensive enough without the huge weekly food shop too. I decided to move back to Leicestershire and get my health back in track. Breathe in some fresh country air, go on lots of long country walks, eat organic and live a slower paced life. I'd had a busy full on year. Id moved four times and slept on my friends sofa, hostel beds and above a pub.

So the more I researched candida the more I found that some doctors and scientists thought that candida was linked to cancer. Some say that cancer is a form of candida. A cancer tumour is white. In Latin, Candida albicans' literally means 'glowing white'
Here is a very short interesting you tube video.

It made sense that the two were linked.

My parents had told me about Salvestrol. Salvestrols are the natural defence system in fruit and vegetables against fungal attacks only found in species subject to fungus damage, like strawberries, blueberries. A guy called Gerry Potter a professor from Leicester and his team at De Montfort University had invented a seek-and-destroy drug that obliterated cancer cells in laboratory tests. Gerry went through hell to try and get this cancer curing drug on the market. In a nutshell he was threatened by the UK national cancer charity CRUK to take the product off the market, was kidnapped by the police and locked up in mental health unit for four years and was sedated after his release he is still under close observation and has to return for monthly depo injections to keep him 'under control' and from saying too much. The full story has not been published as apparently its too scary for the public to read. This is just absolutely shocking!!!! Here is a link to read more about it.

This makes me so angry. As well as cannabis oil, another cancer cure which is illegal. A lady has recently been jailed for two years for curing her son with cannabis oil. The big pharmas do not want a cure. There is no money to be made in curing illness's but there is to keep people ill so they are only interested in treating the illness.

Cancer treatment is a very harsh and toxic way to shrink tumours and blitz cancer cells. It kills all the good as well as the bad leaving your immune system completely battered. There was no information or help to inform me of this and everything I found out was through my own research. A prime example of things being down to money is when I had my second chemo. This was in Leicester. My first was in Brighton. I had found out about a white blood cell booster jab I could have after my chemo. I had one in brighton but when I asked for one in Leicester they told me they wouldn't give it to me as it was too expensive. A day or two after my second chemo I got a very high temperature. When this happens you have to go into hospital as it can be very serious and you can even die. I ended up in hospital for a week. This probably cost them more then the injection would have. So after my third chemo I demanded for this jab.

A lady I knew for a short time recently died. She had a treatable form of cancer but very sadly died, not from the cancer but the chemotherapy. A lot of people spend there last few months having chemotherapy. They are told the chemo will extend their lives. Its extended but they are extremely ill in the mean time. There is a drug that can extend your life by years. Again this drug is not available to us and costs an absolute fortune to buy.

If god forbid I was ever diagnosed with cancer again I would refuse all treatment. I read an article last year about how most oncologists wouldn't want any of their family members to have chemo or radiotherapy as they agree that its harsh way of treating someone.

Not only this but I've heard that a mammogram can cause cancer and a biopsy can help spread the cancer. We live in an extremely toxic world. Our food is sprayed with toxins, processed foods, alcohol, Chem trails, mobile phones and masts, plastic, metals in cosmetic products and sugar. Sugar is the most addictive drug there is and more of it is in our diets causing diabetes, obesity, candida and cancer.

Every where I seem to look or read at the moment seems to be about cancer. Someone else I know has been diagnosed or died of cancer. More n more things cause cancer. six years on and cancer seems to be consuming my life again. My auntie died recently of cancer. Another very sad story of going to the doctors about a lump and being told it was nothing and after months she decided to pay for a scan and found out she was riddled with cancer. By this time it was sadly too late.

I feel very strongly and passionate about this subject and want to tell the public everything that i know. I feel its so important that more n more people should know about alternative cancer treatments and cures.

I was watching the local news this week and a lady was talking about losing her son to cancer and fund raising for a cancer charity to help them find a cure. I found myself shouting at the tv "There is a cure!" "They dont want to find a cure!!" People need to know that there are cures out there that huge pharmas are trying to stop from being made or heard about.

This is an interesting post I came across on an alternative cancer treatment group on Facebook someone had written.

I went into town today and I noticed the McMillan cancer Porta cabin in the town square. With a banner saying "Ask us a question about cancer" so I thought right I will.
I walked up casually and said "Excuse me I would just like to ask a question, why is cancer going up so high now ? It was one in ten and now its nearly one in two"
The lady ushered me into the van to sit down. She said here is some leaflets and she opened it up to a chart. She said this is the things we have to look at ...age style ....the food we eat ... The sun .....was a few of the things she pointed out. I said " Right can I just ask about the sun creams. I've been looking on line into this lately because things don't add up. I'm hearing that it's the sun creams that causes cancer NOT the sun. The sun creams have many chemicals in them and one of the chemicals is aluminium. That blocks the sun and reflects the sun away from our skin. But that is stopping us from getting Vit D, which is vital for our health. She said "Oh I haven't heard of that" I said it's makes sense though doesn't it ? She agreed. I never mentioned the chemtrails but I will here. ( The chemtrails have aluminium in them and that is reflecting the sun away from earth back out into the atmosphere so what damage is that doing to humans on a well being scale ? No
wonder there is so many sick people now )
I then said "Aluminium is in antiperspirants and it's aluminium that is causing breast cancer" She just stared at me. I then said "Also all the chemicals and pesticides in fruit and vegetables, that causes cancer too doesn't it ? And we are encouraged to eat 5 a day, but NOT organic which is safe, and organic is out of the price range of a lot of people .........AND the processed food that we are encouraged to eat with the TV advertising all the time is also very detrimental to our health because it's loaded with salt and sugar and that's why diabetes and cancer is sky rocketing and other diseases. And then we have aspartame in low fat products and aspartame in soft drinks and they too are causing the cancer. Along with the fluoride in our water. I said it's pretty scary isn't it ? And on top of that we have the GMOs that Cameron is pushing us to accept into this country. And grow........The penny had dropped that I knew my stuff and she looked at me and said " Look your a very intelligent woman. Not a lot of people walking around will know this.
So I said "Basically then .......they know all this gives us cancer and they do and say nothing, and you know this too?
She said I'm not really allowed to talk about this. I said yes in the confines of this van. How can you do this job ? She said "The cancer act was brought in 100 years ago and we are tied by it. We are not allowed to talk about alternative medicine.
" SO they just wait for people to get cancer. Then they come to you and you try and fix them. But the cancer industry does not fix them because this lot ( I pointed to the cancer research leaflet ) are not searching for cures are they ? Again she just looked at me. She then said she used to work in alternative therapy and she had seen cancer cures. I said "What a sad horrible world we are living in when people can do this to humanity. It's just awful. She said "Why don't you get with some like minded friends and lobby for change " I said there are lots of activists awake and I'm one of them and we are desperately trying to make change but it falls on deaf ears a lot, but I believe change is coming
So there you go she was saying that as long as we put up with things the way they are there not going to change. Basically the Elites are laughing at us because they think if were too stupid not to find this out and then kick up a riot and demand change then this is how it's going to stay.
The cancer act was introduced in 1939 ! And it states that NO alternative medicine shall be used or talked about in hospitals AT ALL !
And that they have the monopoly on the treatment you receive and where you have it ! Also parents of children that DO want alternative therapies for their children and not chemo can be threatened with arrest and prison. It's happening in America a lot. It's us that's having the treatment so why don't we scream for change ? Don't you think if they really wanted to cure cancer they would of changed that by now ? The people who put these acts in place don't have to go through what we do do that because they have the best of everything !
we need a lobby put to parliament or wherever these petitions go and ask for change in the archaic medieval EVIL cancer act !

So after all the research I have done over the years its obvious that a cure will never be available to anyone through the NHS which means we need to tell everyone we can and share all the information we know about all the alternative treatments.

It seems absolutely ridiculous that there are all these plants on the planet that can treat and cure humans of all sorts of diseases and they are illegal to use. If you believe in god then you can say that this that god has put these things on the earth for us to use. Doesn't this seem crazy that you are not able to use them to treat yourself and even cure yourself of a disease.

For the rest of my life I am going to have to be careful. I believe what caused my cancer in the first place to be a combination of lots of things. I believe some are from medication such as too many courses of anti biotics causing candida overgrowth, 15 years on the contraceptive pill, too much sugar and alcohol and emotional problems I may have not dealt with which has then manifested into a physical disease.

I dont know why people are so surprised that the cancer rate is going up and up as it seems very obvious to me.

Now I am back in Leicestershire I hope to persue my modelling and get my vintage business up and running again. I would love my own boutique again and miss doing my fashion shows. In the mean time it will be online.

Please share my post to everyone you know. Remember if you are ever affected my cancer in anyway then do not give up. Do not take what your oncologist tells you to be the only diagnosis. If someone is told they have months to live that is not necessarily the end. There are so many amazing stories out there of people who have survived cancer. Do not be scared. Do your own research. You could save your own life or possibly someone else's.

If anyone one wants more information on my experience with candida or cancer and the alternative treatments I have used the I would be more then happy to chat with you. You can email me on

Hope 2015 is a fantastic New Year for you all!

Here are some photos from my Marks and Spencers modelling jobs. I hope to carry on modelling in the future. Its great thats something positive has come out of it and strangely enough I've never felt more confident with my own body.


Mims said…
Well done Em - I know that was difficult for you. 2015 is going to be a good year! Xxx
aba said…
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God bless.......
I'm here again to appreciate. DR WILLIAMS God will always continue to bless you more abundantly, for the good works you don in my life, I will always keep on writing good and posting my testimonies about you on the Internet, I’m Jessica from Orlando, Florida. I was tested CANCER SIMPLEX VIRUS positive, I saw a blog on how DR WILLIAMS cured people with his herbal portion, i did not believe in natural medicine but i just decided to give him a try, I contacted him,and explain my situation to him,few day later after taking doc Williams herbal medicine for few week i also got my healing with his herbal portion, i am so happy. If you have any type of cancer problem or you are also infected with any kind of disease, contact him for advice and for his product,i hope this testimony also help some one out there

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